Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Ryuu desu (v_v) my internet server is AWOL
gomen minna i want to spaz more but i have no time gonna post this up then study some more for physics

Hey!Say! JUMP for those who don't know is a boy band under JStorm (http://www.j-storm.co.jp/hsj/)
composed of:
Yabu Kota, Takaki Yuya, Inoo Kei, Yaotome Hikaru, Arioka Daiki, Okamoto Keito, Yamada Ryosuke, Nakajima Yuto, Chinen Yuri, Morimoto Ryutaro
and are broken into the sub units Hey!Say!BEST (Yabu Kota, Takaki Yuya, Inoo Kei, Yaotome Hikaru, Arioka Daiki)
and Hey!Say!7 (Okamoto Keito, Yamada Ryosuke, Nakajima Yuto, Chinen Yuri, Morimoto Ryutaro)
they have been active since the formation in 2007-present day however only singles had been released and concert dvds but now HSJ fans eagerly wait for their 1st album


[News]Hey!Say!JUMP 1st ALBUM!!!!!!!Oh MyGOSSSSHHHH!!!!!!We've made it~ After all our long anticipation, the 1st Hey!Say!JUMPalbum will be released this SUMMER!EVENTUALLY~~~! 8DIt was announced in the ...

To read the rest of the post please go visit the site...i can't post the whole thing up it won't load

for those that can read japanese this is an article from Nikkansports News Entertainment ^^"


 7月19日からはJUMPを中心に、ほかジャニーズJr.約200人が出演するエンターテインメントショー「サマリー」(東京ドームシティ JCBホール)がスタートする。高木雄也(20)は「いつもとは違うキャラクターを見せたい」と意気込んだものの、メンバーから「夏だから暑いし、ふんどしになっちゃえば?」と突っ込まれると、「あるかも…しれないですね」としどろもどろだった。



source: http://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/f-et-tp0-20100504-625867.html

i can't wait to see what they will do

but i'm kinda sad that both Chiinen and Ryotaro have grown so much ><" there are so many Yamada haters and Keito looks like a full fledged adult D:
on the plus side Daiki still looks like Daiki (⌒.⌒)
and random question who is your ichiban from H!S!J??


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